Bao Ge, Male, born on October 18, 1963 in Shanghai। President of “Chinese Democratic Movement Committee”. He once studied at Shanghai Medical College, later graduated from Shanghai TV University from economics department. Because he participated in the 1989 pro-democracy movement he was in custody and interrogated for 20 months, on February 28, 1991 the Shanghai Intermediate Court prosecuted him with the “counter-revolutionary propaganda crime”but "exempted him from criminal punishment." October 23, 1992, upon the Japanese emperor's visit to China, Bao declared a hunger strike and demanded a formal apology to China. He was detained for 8 days. In June, 1993, he joined the Shanghai pro-democracy movement to protest the arrest of prominent figure, Zhang Xianliang, with a hunger strike outside the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau. Thereafter, Bao was subpoenaed many times by police and kept in detention. Early March 1994,the United States Deputy Secretary of State John Shattuck visited China. Bao Ge was detained for 2 days. At the end of March, he with Yangzhou, Lin Muchen and others drafted “Political democratization 1994 program”. June 4, 1994, Bao Ge wrote an open letter to mainland authorities, calling for the establishment of national human rights institutions, a new "press law" and "political party law", the right to trade freely, the right to freedom of religion, and requested Japan to provide compensation for killing Chinese people during the 1930-40's invasion. September 10, 1994, Bao was sentenced to three years re-education through labor at Dafeng County, Jiangsu Province, Shanghai No. 1 labor camp. Sentenced for attending a June 4 morning Catholic religious ceremony held in Shanghai for "64" victims. Bao did not confess therefore received three years continuously. In the Laojiao camp Bao's mother was only allowed to visit one time, he was under day and night surveillance, couldn’t read a newspaper or write letters, no voting rights. The end of 1994 Bao;s father died of illness, authorities did not permit him to leave prison for funeral. On June 4, 1997 was released, that same day the Associated Press announced the creation of the "Citizens Assembly Party". July 10, 1997 Bao officially filed a lawsuit against the Shanghai Xuhui Area People's court, accusing the Jiangsu Dafeng county reform-through-labor camp for violating labor regulations, depriving him family visits. On July 25, Bao Ge appealed to the Shanghai Intermediate people's court, but the appeal was rejected in August. On November 5, Bao Ge received a visa to visit the United States. In San Francisco he set up a Chinese human rights representative office. In October, 2002, Bao Ge sued the Chinese Embassy in America to for depriving him of his civil rights and not extending his visa. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Liu Jianchao said that Bao Ge has violated immigration law and "endangered national security, honor and interests of the state." The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has canceled his passport and travel documents.
鲍戈(Bao Ge),1963年10月18日生于上海,曾在上海医科大学学习、工作。1980年代发起反对放弃日本战争赔偿的民间运动,1988年组建“中华全国对日索赔民事债权人同盟”。1989年7月被捕,1991年2月被上海中级人民法院以“反革命宣传煽动罪”判处免于刑事处分。1992年再度发起对日索赔,10月宣布以绝食、自焚迫使日皇明仁在访华期间向中国道歉,又遭拘捕。1993年2月上书全国人大,呼吁以全民公决方式解决对日索赔争议。1994年3月代表54位公民发表《中国国家和社会民主化九四年政纲》,呼吁废除“四项基本原则”,宣布发起“民主修宪运动”。5月组建“人权呼声”组织。6月4日被捕,被控“有煽动闹事行为”,判劳教三年。1997年6月释放时,立即通过国际通讯社宣布将筹建“公民大会党”。8月成立“对日索赔全民公决倡导会”。9月发表致中共“十五大”公开信,呼吁火化毛泽东遗体,启动党内民主改革。10月江泽民访美之际获得护照和签证,携妹流亡美国。此后,因拒绝参加海外“民运”组织,抵制反华势力操纵“民运”,而遭台湾间谍组织围攻、诋毁和封杀。2001年7月公开支持北京申办奥运。2002年公开反对台独。6月宣布成立“中国民主运动协调委员会”,制定“外争国权,内争民权;反独促统,反腐促变”方针。台湾当局为此指使“总统府国策顾问”阮鸣及“北京之春”等机构对其诽谤谩骂,同时扶植王丹、曹长青、魏京生、王军涛等人,以控制“民运”。